Favicon Google yang baru

Seperti biasa, tiada hari tanpa Google. Saya pagi tadi menggunakan jasa Google untuk mencari sesuatu. Dan ternyata Favicon dari google berubah. Seperti yang tertulis Oleh Marissa Mayer pada Official Blog Google tentang perubahan favicon:

We hope you like the new favicon, which nicely integrates all of our original criteria: distinctive in shape, noticeable, colorful, timeless, and scalable to other sizes.

While I’m sure we will update it again, we also hope our new favicon inspired by Andre is a warm, colorful beacon to Google on your browser tabs and bookmarks. A big thank you to Andre, Hadi, Lucian, and Yusuf, as well as all of the other people who helped us define our new look in a uniquely user-driven way!

Semoga layanan Google tetap woke selalu…



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