Akhir dari MyBlogLog

Kemarin saya mendapatkan email yang cukup mengejutkan dari Yahoo! bahwa layanan MyBlogLog akan ditutup. Begini isi e-mailnya

Dear MyBlogLog Customer, You have been identified as a customer of Yahoo! MyBlogLog. We will officially discontinue Yahoo! MyBlogLog effective May 24, 2011. Your agreement with Yahoo!, to the extent that it applies to the Yahoo! MyBlogLog, will terminate on May 24, 2011. After May 24, 2011 your credit card will no longer be charged for premium services on MyBlogLog. We will refund you the unused portion of your subscription, if any. The refund will appear as a credit via the billing method we have on file for you. To make sure that your billing information is correct and up to date, visit https://billing.yahoo.com. Questions? If you have questions about these changes, please visit the Yahoo! MyBlogLog help pages. We thank you for being a customer on Yahoo! MyBlogLog. Sincerely, The Yahoo! My BlogLog Team

Indikasi ditutupnya layanan dari MyBloglog ini karena semakin jarang blogger yang memposting tulisannya di blog. (termasuk saya). Dan Yahoo! seperti biasa membeli banyak layanan tetapi tidak bisa mempromosikannya dengan baik sehingga banyak sekali layanan dari yahoo yang ditutup. Semoga koprol yang dibuat oleh anak bangsa Indonesia yang dibeli Yahoo! tidak segera ditutup.



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